© Geoff’s Rail Diaries 2011
Back in the mid-80s, the Shropshire
Railway society travelled far and wide
on the UK's railways. This was helped
immensely by a member who worked for
BR, and seemed to be able to get group
tickets at particularly low fares. The
Norwich trip was perhaps the best example - over 500 miles,
out and back via Euston and Liverpool Street.
I have to say, I can't remember much about the trip. There was
time for a photo or two at Liverpool Street, then on to Norwich
where I suspect we would have had lunch, with a pint to wash it
down... At that time, the Norwich factory of Boulton and Paul
was rail connected, home to a 1958-built Baguley diesel no.
3509, which was duly snapped.
The former GER main line had by this date been
electrified as far as Ipswich; work continued in
the Norwich area with some track layout work
("rationalisation", I expect...) and the
replacement of the Trowse swing bridge, the
original not being suitable for overhead wiring. A
new bridge was being built alongside the old one
- an opportunity for some more photos.
Looking back, it's amazing just how much change there has been
in less than 20 years. Post-electrification of the Norwich line,
the 86s have been and gone. The Cravens (class 105) DMUs have
long since departed the scene, as has the Baguley. And, sadly, so
have the days of cheap rail days out.