Telford’s Extension
First Train to Lawley Village
© Geoff’s Rail Diaries 2015
Geoff’s Rail Diaries
4 April 2015
When British Railways ran passenger trains
over this line, there wasn’t a station, or a
halt, at Lawley Village. Half a mile or so
to the north was Lawley Bank, and a
similar distance to the south, the other
side of the short tunnel, was Horsehay and
Dawley. The service in question ran from
Wellington, via Buildwas Junction to Much Wenlock and Craven
Arms. The passenger service south of Wenlock finished at the
end of 1951; Wellington to Wenlock ended on 21 July 1962.
South of the tunnel, the line remained in situ to serve the works at
Horsehay - large steel fabrications for bridges and cranes were taken
out by rail, via Lightmoor Junction and the line serving Ironbridge
power station. By the time the line finally closed, in 1979, the
preservationists were in residence at the old loco shed - the Telford
Horsehay Steam Trust, proud keepers of former GWR 0-6-2T no. 5619.
Now the Telford Steam Railway, they have been operating a passenger
service since 1981. The journey from Spring Village platform to
Horsehay and Dawley station involved running north from the former
goods yard, onto the main line and up towards the tunnel, then
reversing to run down the steep gradient into the station. It’s much
quicker to walk between the two termini!
The railway has ambitions - the big plan is to run south to Lightmoor
Junction, then down through Coalbrookdale. The power station is due
to close at the end of this year, so the line could then be available. One
significant obstacle is the Ironbridge bypass, which severs the trackbed.
The railway owns a suitable bridge - but much
work will be needed, and a great deal of
money, to fix it in place and relay the track. In
the meantime, a lesser scheme involved
clearing a great deal of mud and spoil from the
northern end of the tunnel, relaying track and
constructing a platform - a more appropriate
point at which to reverse on that otherwise short run. Today that
ambition was realised, when the first trains called at Lawley Village.
The occasion deserved recording. I should have done a recce first -
there’s no access to the new platform other than by train, and to get to
a suitable point for photos involved much mud and mire. I was already
running late when I got there (blame the ever-increasing hoardes of
temporary traffic lights) - I saw the first train arrive (members only),
but couldn’t get a photo before it had halted and the first passengers
descended. For an arrival, I’d have to await that train’s return - which
would be the first train from Horsehay and Dawley station to the new
platform. Curiously, that event was marked by the arrival of an empty
train - the members presumably choosing to make the most of their
celebratory “light refreshments” (and they could always walk back).
I’d somehow imagined that this momentous occasion would be marked
by a steam-hauled (or propelled) train - so the appearance of the two-
car DMU was perhaps a little disappointing. I think I’ll take my first ride
to Lawley Village when steam is operating (a Rocket-powered train?)
Link: Telford Steam Railway