Walking around, rather than in, the Cardingmill Valley, 7¼ miles. October 2010
Walks with a Camera © Geoff’s Pages 2011
Cardingmill Valley, in Shropshire's Long Mynd, is a very popular
destination for west midlands walkers and "day-outers". The deep
valley with its rocky scenery, easy routes to the top of the Mynd,
and National Trust tea room, is rarely without visitors - it can
become relatively crowded on sunny days. We decided to make
use of the car parking facilities (free to NT members) and, after
the walk, the tea room...
This walk uses the path to All Stretton as far as Cwm Dale, which
we then followed to gain access to the Batch Valley and its
tributary Long Batch, a steep-sided valley which takes us to the
moor top. Good tracks and (briefly) roads
take us to the Boiling Well, from where a
good path parallels the road back towards
Church Stretton.
The path takes us to the head of the steep Townbrook Valley,
which provides an excellent walking route back to Church
Stretton - or in our case, back to Cardingmill Valley, for a cup of
tea and (for my hungry companion) cake. A very pleasant walk for
a fine sunny day.